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China urges US to immediately stop meddling in Hong Kong affairs

Time:2024-06-03 18:55:12 Source:opinionsViews(143)

China strongly deplores and firmly opposes the U.S. once and again discrediting and smearing Hong Kong's Safeguarding National Security Ordinance, and urges the U.S. to immediately stop meddling in Hong Kong affairs, which are China's internal affairs, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said on Monday.

Lin made the remarks at a regular press briefing when answering a query concerning U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken's recent remarks on Hong Kong's Safeguarding National Security Ordinance.

"I would like to stress that Hong Kong affairs are purely China's internal affairs, no foreign country has the right to make irresponsible remarks," Lin said.

Noting that the publication in the gazette and coming into force of the Ordinance marks that Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has effectively fulfilled its constitutional responsibility stipulated in Article 23 of the Basic Law, he said that it will further consolidate the security foundation for Hong Kong's development, and enable Hong Kong to achieve stability and prosperity at a faster pace.

"All sectors of Hong Kong have lent high support to this Ordinance," said Lin.

The Ordinance strikes a balance between safeguarding national security and ensuring rights, freedoms and economic growth, fully made reference to the legislation experience of other countries, especially common law jurisdictions, fully respects and protects human rights, clearly defines elements of crime, and clearly distinguishes between crime and non-crime, he said.

"It provides effective protection for the normal business activities of foreign institutions, organizations and personnel in Hong Kong and their need for international exchanges," he said, noting that it does not at all undermine the high degree of autonomy in Hong Kong, nor does it change the current capitalist system and way of life in Hong Kong.

"It will enable Hong Kong to better leverage its unique status and strengths, better deepen exchanges and cooperation with various countries and regions, and better consolidate its status as an international financial, shipping and trade center," Lin said.

The U.S. itself has an airtight national security system, with a large number of laws and unparalleled extraterritoriality, however, it keeps pointing fingers at Hong Kong's Safeguarding National Security Ordinance. "This is sheer political manipulation and hypocritical double standards," he said.

Lin noted that the Chinese government remains unwavering in its determination to safeguard the nation's sovereignty, security and development interests and to implement the "one country, two systems" policy.

"We urge the U.S. to earnestly respect China's sovereignty and rule of law in Hong Kong, adhere to the principles of international law and the basic norms governing international relations, and immediately stop meddling in Hong Kong affairs, which are China's internal affairs," the spokesperson said.

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